IBADR Luncheon with Carol Jardine, President of Wawanesa Insurance


Insurance Brokers Association of Durham Region

Website: https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/insurance-brokers-association-of-durham-region-16624111864

The Lake House

600 Liverpool Road, Pickering, ON L1W 1P9

Pickering, ON, CA, L1W 1P9

The Insurance Brokers Association of Durham Region invites you to our upcoming luncheon with guest speaker Carol Jardine, President of Wawanesa Insurance.

The Lakehouse, 600 Liverpool Road, Pickering ON

$35 per person

11:30 am – Registration

12:00 pm – Lunch

We look forward to seeing you!

For more info, contact:

Laura Higgins c/o Meadwell, Mowat & Fennell Ins, 413 Dundas St E, Whitby L1N 2J2

Email: lhiggins@mmfinsurance.ca